
Thursday, July 27, 2006

I closed the house down and said good-bye today. I didn't find it all that difficult. My memories will remain. My expectations are that the next segment of life will be very different, new challenges, new issues, new resolves.

As I pulled out of the drive I was somewhat overcome by good thoughts regarding my neighbors. The women in particular. Joanne is 44, ten years my senior. Sharon is 58, twenty-four years older than me. Both are so very different. Joanne is a workhorse. There is absolutely nothing that woman cannot do - her baking rivals Martha's, she has her own set of power tools (and is in NO way afraid to use them) and just recently drywalled the entire basement. Sharon is a kept woman married to a very successful business-man. Their whole family has their shit together in an awe-inspiring way. Sharon is the hostess with the most-est. You are always welcome and the house is spotlessly clean. We have laughed often together and shared many glasses of wine.

Yesterday they both dropped by my house at almost the same time. Joanne came in through the basement door where she helped me move scrap pieces of wood and sweep the floor in the workshop. She was in her typical garb, t-shirt, skirt and birks. Sharon came in through the patio door, dressed of course in matching capris and blouse, coordinating mani & pedi, hair done, makeup applied.

We talked for a long time, about everything and nothing. Joanne asked me what I would miss (we just finished a full blown reno of the entire house). I said "Nothing" and then I immediately said "No, that is not true, I will miss my neighbors very much."

In that same moment I realized how much I have learned from these two women about becoming a woman. They are both thoroughly themselves. I could never be either one of them - yet their example of owning their individuality has helped me to gain comfort in my own skin. They are both confident and beautiful and paint an inspired scape of growing better and wiser with the years.

I find friendships and connections manifest in surprising ways. More and more I crave the company of intelligent and compassionate women who are unafraid to experience life in all of the colors afforded us, albeit the many shades of grey. I believe in the principle of reaping and sowing. I want to plant within myself courage and joy and intuition. I want to nurture and harvest these same qualities in the people I love and who share my circle of life.


Bob said...

My neighbours could not be more different to me. I occasionally wonder if God puts certain people next to us to teach us a particular lesson!

Life is a rich tapestry!

Angela said...

Rob, I purposely did not mention the people across the street!


Angela said...

Rob, I purposely did not mention the people across the street!

