Husband is away on a timber framing course (construction) in the southern Rockies. He's a carpentry hobbyist and this is a personal course he's been wanting to do for a long time. So on the one hand, while I'm very happy that he is pursuing his interests, it has left me at home with my feet as my only mode of transportation. Well, my feet and the kindness of friends.
I do miss him but even more I think I miss the freedom of mobility to which I am accustomed. Can't say that I have enjoyed being in a position of having to ask for and rely on other people. It has left me feeling trapped and a bit frustrated.
So that little verse that says... better to give than receive... I'm not so sure. Giving is a power position. It is easy to control what you give and who you give it to. Asking on the other hand puts you in a place of vulnerability, trusting in the universe to provide for your needs. So I will concede that it is easier to give but I've learned more this week in receiving.