
Friday, June 20, 2008


“Home is where you can scratch where it itches” ~ Anonymous

I'm just a few days away from traveling home for the summer. I'm excited. In the last year my sister had a baby girl, who I'll get to meet for the first time. On top of this she is getting married in July. If anyone knows how to throw a party, it's Andrea! So I'm expecting that it will be a festive occasion that works its way into the next day. A few of our mutual friends from BC will be attending, so there will be an element of reunion mixed in.

Lately it seems that I have been too busy with work to even give much attention to going home. Which is probably good, otherwise I'd be so over the top that I wouldn't accomplish my to-do list. But work has been positive busy not the other kind. In fact, I feel as though I have tuned in to a nice little cadence of satisfaction.

I received my assignment for next year. Grade 3 again but this time with 3 special needs Fetal Alcohol Syndrome boys. It will mean I have some learning ahead of me as I currently know little about FAS, but I do know the students already and believe that it will be a good year. Funny, not that long ago I would have been horrified at the thought of having any special needs students! And now, here I am actually looking forward to the experience. I guess one should never say never. Success in certain areas actually makes you feel as though you have the power to change the world.

On a different note, today is the longest day of the year. Bittersweet. Living so far north, it will not get fully dark tonight. The sun casts its light in long bending rays that seem to wrap the earth, moving without interruption from west to east. I wonder sometimes if I came here for no other reason than to watch the sun in summer and the moon in winter. It certainly brings me to a primal place inside of myself.

And I've decided that this primal earthiness suits me. Most of the time anyway! I have more right now than I've ever had and yet my wants are less. My blogging has slowed because I'm just not compelled to give it all words all the time. I know what fills me and I know what doesn't. Once you get the formula, the rest is just a shopping list! I'm content and that is enough. The things I want that are important are in progress. They're already in the works and at this point don't need names.

So for right now, I'm just going to be. And I like it.

“Listen to your life. See it for the fathomless mystery that it is. In the boredom and pain of it no less than in the excitement and gladness: touch, taste, smell your way to the holy and hidden heart of it because in the last analysis all moments are key moments, and life itself is grace.” Frederick Buechner


Anonymous said...

It is refreshing to sense your love of life. So many people grumble and miss the beauty that you see.

Anonymous said...

Your post brings seasons to my mind, whether they be weather or life or any other cycle we encounter, cycles that bring opportunity for growth and forward movement and deeper understanding of ourselves and those whose lives we touch.

In my high school and college days I was blessed to work with children with a wide variety of challenges from fetal alcohol syndrome, effects of being born drug addicted, cerebral palsy, etc.. Challenging for a young, inexperienced girl I was, but open to the special gifts each child brought into my life, still with me today, like a tiny seed that was planted all those years ago, having germinated and grown roots deep into my heart.

Congratulations to you this glorious summer of family celebration, and blessings to you for the challenges and many gifts your heart will receive in the fall. Thank you for sharing your words when the cycle inside your heart brings them forth to those of us who are the beneficiaries of reading them.

georgebreed said...


Anonymous said...

what an awesome post. I'm so excited to see you!!